- May 5, 2022
- Posted by: Ally Venianakis
- Categories: Mental health, Resilience and wellbeing

For the past 10 year’s, Resilia has been leading the way in best-practice psychological injury recovery. Resilia’s team of expert rehabilitation consultants and psychologists assist individuals with their recovery from psychological injury, to help facilitate faster return to work outcomes and reduce claim costs.
Our most recent case study comes from Resilia rehabilitation consultant, John Harpham, who has demonstrated his utmost hard work and dedication to support his client with a proactive return to work strategy, that has led him to successfully supporting his client back to work.
For the purpose of this case study and to maintain confidentiality, we will refer to the following client as Bill.
John started working with Bill in November 2021. He was referred to Resilia for a bullying/ harassment claim and exposure to trauma. Bill had been off work for about nine months due to being stood down from his workplace. There was an investigation being undertaken, however, Bill was withheld from details and was unsure as to why the investigation was happening. Bill’s claim was related to stress, anxiety, and depression, resulting from how he had been treated by the workplace. Following completion of the investigation, Bill was advised that the allegations against him had been dropped, however he still did not know what these allegations were related to. The workplace requested him to come back to work, however Bill felt unsure about how he would be supported. Bill was symptomatic when John spoke to him. He reported feeling anxious, experiencing rumination, increased weight, sleep disturbances, feeling isolated, and had no self-confidence. Following his lodged worker’s compensation claim, Bill was diagnosed with anxiety and depression, and began his journey to recovery with Resilia’s specialist services.
John adopted a holistic approach to understand Bill’s situation and unique needs required for him to return to his pre-injury state and have a positive return to work outcome. An initial assessment with Bill helped to understand his status, concerns about his situation, what the return-to-work process looked like for him, and the supports required.
John engaged in ongoing communication and interactions with Bill and other stakeholder to discuss his progress and review recommendations. This helped to align expectations and develop a common goal and plan to best support Bill in his recovery, and to optimise faster and more durable return to work outcomes.
John constantly reflected on Bill’s abilities and capacities to support his overall path to recovery. The ongoing support John had towards Bill encouraged him to take ownership of his return-to-work goals and outcomes which helped to facilitate a faster return to work. Bill was able to get back into his role and take on additional responsibilities quickly. He progressed through his return-to-work plan and was able to work on a full-time basis again.
John’s proactive approach to psychological injury management has provided Bill with his amazing return to work outcome. John continues to work with Bill so he can sustain his pre-injury duty capacity, build his confidence, and contribute to his employer as he once done so prior to his injury.
Our return-to-work outcomes demonstrated through Bill are impressive and indicate that our approach to psychological injury management helps to improve recovery rates and the lives of those we work with. Are you looking for a specialist rehabilitation provider? For more information, please contact us, or submit a referral online.