Kristin TinkerResilia National Manager – Recovery And Return To Work Services

Professional Experience
Kristin is the National Manager of Recovery and RTW at Resilia. Kristin’s career has primarily been within the workplace occupational rehabilitation industry, working both as a Rehabilitation Consultant / Psychologist and as a Manager.
In her career to date, Kristin has worked as a Registered Psychologist providing rehabilitation services to workers with physical and psychological injuries. Kristin is experienced providing workplace rehabilitation services within a variety of frameworks including NSW WorkCover, Comcare, CTP, TAC and Life Insurance. Kristin also has extensive experience conducting medico-legal assessments and reports for the Life Insurance and Workers’ Compensation markets.
After working as a consultant within the workplace rehabilitation market, Kristin worked as a Branch Manager of a national Approved Workplace Rehabilitation Provider, before relocating and securing a role as Hunter Region Psychological Services Manager for the same provider. Kristin was the first National Manager of Resilia in 2012 whereby she started the quickly grew the team and service lines to a high quality. Currently Kristin works as Resilia’s Psychological Injury Management Specialist providing strategic advice to both clients and the Resilia team to ensure high quality service provision and innovation through new services is maintained.
Furthermore, Kristin previously has experience performing counselling services to workers and long-term unemployed Centrelink recipients to assist them to overcome the multiple barriers that impact their ability to secure and maintain meaningful employment.
Prior to working in the occupational rehabilitation field, Kristin was employed with Mission Australia as a Case Manager in the JPET (Job Placement, Education and Training) Program and PSP (Personal Support Program), as well as serving as a volunteer telephone counsellor with Lifeline Australia.
Qualifications and Professional Associations
Kristin completed undergraduate studies including Bachelor of Science (Psychology) and Bachelor of Commerce (Marketing), and graduated with Merit. Following this, Kristin completed a Post Graduate Diploma in Psychology, and a Post Graduate Certificate in Professional Psychological Practice whilst concurrently completing Intern Psychologist requirements. All of Kristin’s qualifications were obtained through the University of Wollongong. Kristin has been registered as a Psychologist since 2007. She is also qualified in the administration, analysis and interpretation of various psychometric tools.
- Associate Member: Australian Psychological Society
- Registered with the Psychology Board of Australia
- Registered Psychologist in NSW
- WorkCover NSW Approved Psychologist
Supporting sustainable work for neurodiverse employees with ADHD
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Managing neurodiverse employees
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Addressing psychosocial risks to support return to good work
Returning to and recovering at work is an important part of rehabilitation following a psychological injury. It helps with recovery, prevents relapse, and provides individuals with appropriate social connections and support mechanisms. However, when an employee returns to work, following a psychological injury, working environments must be safe and free from psychological harm to prevent further risk to their mental health and wellbeing.
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