Amelia FloresHead of Corporate Services

Professional Experience
Amelia has extensive experience working with clients in both therapeutic and assessment settings, within public and private sector organisations. Amelia has 13 years management experience including overseeing a branch of an Accredited Rehabilitation Provider, working as a Psychologist Chief Medical Officer within a Life Insurance and undertaking Consulting services for workers compensation insurers.
Amelia also has an employment background working within a Human Resources and Learning and Development role facilitating the development of a performance management tool, providing recruitment strategies, review of learning and development plans and performance management appraisals for a large international investment bank.
Currently Amelia is the Head of Corporate Services for Resilia, and oversees the management of the Resilient Me Program for Resilia. She continues to provide a range of psychological consulting services including counselling and coaching services to a range of clients and provides resilience training and mental health first aid across industries including banking and finance, law, consulting and media. For the past eight years, she has been involved in triaging trauma and managing complex mental health concerns across all industries, and providing therapeutic intervention and support.
Amelia commenced her career as a Psychologist working for a not-for-profit organisation providing counselling services and group therapy for adult woman. This role offered Amelia the opportunity to develop strong therapy based skills in Cognitive Behavioural Therapy, Acceptance Commitment Therapy and Personal Construct Therapy.
Amelia has published media articles in areas such as workplace stress, resilience, mental health and organisational functioning.
Amelia has a Bachelor of Science Degree with a Major in Psychology from the University of Wollongong and also has a Graduate Diploma in Applied Psychology, from the University of Wollongong. Amelia commenced her Psychology internship in 2002 and has been a fully Registered Psychologist since 2004. Amelia has recently commenced a Masters in Business Psychology at the University of Newcastle.
Supporting sustainable work for neurodiverse employees with ADHD
In Australia, ADHD affects approximately one in 20 people [1]. ADHD can go undiagnosed in childhood and adult presentations may differ from childhood presentations of ADHD. Adults with ADHD may experience challenges with memory, organisational capacity and abilities, concentration and focus, and emotional regulation and social communication (these presentations can vary in every individual). However, people with ADHD can also possess certain strengths such as creativity, innovation, and intrinsic motivation, which can be further developed with the right support.
March 3, 2023 -
Managing neurodiverse employees
When neurodiverse employees thrive and obtain high performance, it is often due to their differences and behaviours being well understood and accepted within their organisations. It also occurs when supportive leaders work with the individual to identify their strengths, weaving these into the job design of their role. Where organisations have put appropriate support measures in place, neurodiverse individuals prove to be comparable to neurotypical employees in work quality, efficiency and productivity and in some cases exceed their neurotypical counterparts in innovation.
February 17, 2023 -
Addressing psychosocial risks to support return to good work
Returning to and recovering at work is an important part of rehabilitation following a psychological injury. It helps with recovery, prevents relapse, and provides individuals with appropriate social connections and support mechanisms. However, when an employee returns to work, following a psychological injury, working environments must be safe and free from psychological harm to prevent further risk to their mental health and wellbeing.
February 8, 2023